I was considering recently how I'd build an Edgar clone to post updates about rossta.net on Twitter and LinkedIn at recurring intervals, for example, every Tuesday at 9AM EST.

For scheduling tasks, we have cron at the system level and even such options as the whenever gem to setup cron from Rails and Sinatra applications. Rubyists can also take advantage of fantastic background job schedulers like rufus-scheduler to run recurring tasks from a separate process or even an API for defining repeating Sidekiq jobs with Sidetiq.

For an Edgar clone though, we need a layer for users of the application to define their own recurrences. This means finding a way to represent time-based recurrences which are:

  1. serializable, so we can save them to the database, and
  2. enumerable, so we can determine when the next post(s) should be shared on designated social networks.

It's an interesting problem to model. While we have classes like Time, Date, and event ActiveSupport::Duration, it's more elusive to consider recurrences. I mean, what does it mean to represent the meeting time of my NYC.rb meetup: "every second Tuesday of the month at 7pm".

Solutions for this exist in Ruby, namely ice_cube. If you're looking for a mature, up-to-date project devoted to modeling recurring events in Ruby, please check it out. I did, and highly recommend it. After playing with it for awhile, I found felt the urge for alternative semantics - like the ability to define a recurrence without a start date - and API similar to the hash-like syntax provided by another less-active recurring events library, recurrence.

I thought of the HTTP gem which bills itself as the following:

HTTP (The Gem! a.k.a. http.rb) is an easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It uses a simple method chaining system for building requests, similar to Python's Requests.

Taking a cue from http.rb and the recurrence gem, I set out to create something similar for recurring events.

Introducing Montrose.

Montrose allows you to easily create "recurrence" objects through chaining:

# Every Monday at 10:30am
Montrose.weekly.on(:monday).at("10:30 am")
=> #<Montrose::Recurrence...>

Or the constructor hash-syntax:

Montrose::Recurrence.new(every: :week, on: :monday, at: "10:30 am")
=> #<Montrose::Recurrence...>

A Montrose recurrence responds to #events, which returns an Enumerator that can generate timestamps:

r = Montrose.hourly
=> #<Montrose::Recurrence...>

=> #<Enumerator:...>

=> [2016-02-03 18:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-03 19:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-03 20:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-03 21:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-03 22:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-03 23:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-04 00:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-04 01:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-04 02:26:08 -0500,
2016-02-04 03:26:08 -0500]

Montrose recurrences are themselves enumerable:

# Every month starting a year from now on Friday the 13th for 5 occurrences
r = Montrose.monthly.starting(1.year.from_now).on(friday: 13).repeat(5)

=> [Fri, 13 Oct 2017,
Fri, 13 Apr 2018,
Fri, 13 Jul 2018,
Fri, 13 Sep 2019,
Fri, 13 Dec 2019]

Each chained recurrence returns a new object so they can be composed and merged:

# Every week
r1 = Montrose.every(:week)
r2 = Montrose.on([:tuesday, :thursday])
r3 = Montrose.at("12 pm")
r4 = Montrose.total(4)

=> [2016-02-04 12:00:00 -0500,
2016-02-09 12:00:00 -0500,
2016-02-11 12:00:00 -0500,
2016-02-16 12:00:00 -0500]

With a nod to DHH and the Rails doctrine, Montrose aims to optimize for programmer happiness. Hence, there are several ways to define equivalent recurrences. For example, recurrences intervals can be configured as an explicit option, or inferred by the frequency duration.

# Every 3 hours, all equivalent
Montrose::Recurrence.new(every: :hour, interval: 3)
Montrose::Recurrence.new(every: 3.hours)

Montrose tries to provide useful feedback when you run into exceptions:

r = Montrose.total(1)
r.each { |t| puts t}
Montrose::ConfigurationError: Please specify the :every option

Conceptually, recurrences can represent an infinite sequence. When we say simply "every day", there is no implied ending. It's therefore possible to create a recurrence that can enumerate forever.

# Every day starting now
r = Montrose.daily

# this expression will never complete, Ctrl-c!

# so use your `Enumerable` methods wisely
r.lazy.map(&:to_date).select { |d| d.mday > 25 }.take(5).to_a
=> [Fri, 26 Feb 2016,
Sat, 27 Feb 2016,
Sun, 28 Feb 2016,
Mon, 29 Feb 2016,
Sat, 26 Mar 2016]

It's straightforward to convert recurrence options back to a hash.

# Every 10 minutes starting now
opts = Montrose::Recurrence.new(every: 10.minutes).to_h
=> {:every=>:minute, :interval=>10}

=> [2016-02-03 19:06:07 -0500,
2016-02-03 19:16:07 -0500,
2016-02-03 19:26:07 -0500]

Accordingly, Montrose::Recurrence implements .dump and .load so that you can use it with the serialize feature of ActiveRecord to back a recurrence by a database column in your Rails apps:

class EventSeries < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :recurrence, Montrose::Recurrence

es = EventSeries.new(recurrence: Montrose.daily.at("12pm"))

es = EventSeries.last
# => #<Montrose::Recurrence:...>

This library is still in its early stages (version 0.2.1 as of this writing) and aspects of the API are still in flux, such as the ability to configure default start and end times or combines multiple, distinct recurrences in a Montrose::Schedule. Montrose has one dependency - ActiveSupport - for time calculations.

There are plenty of missing features, including iCal serialization though Montrose already supports most of the examples given by the iCal spec, rfc2445.

I still haven't built that Edgar clone, but feel this is a good place from which to grow. As I said earlier, the ice_cube gem is a mature library and already does much of what I've described here. Writing my own solution allowed me to think more deeply about the internal mechanisms for calculating recurrences and ultimately, once my curiosity was piqued, I couldn't stop. If, you like what Montrose has to offer and you're feeling adventurous, try it out in your own application and send some feedback. Don't hesitate to fork the project and contribute.


# Second Tuesday of every month
r = Montrose.every(:month, day: { tuesday: [2] }, at: "7pm")

See you there.

Discuss it on Twitter · Part of the Enumerable series. Published on Feb 3, 2016

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